I was discussing the key pipeline stages earlier in the week with a BD Director colleague. We looked to map the interrelationships between the four areas to identify where RoI improvements might be found and we ended up plotting this diagram.

Some of our takeaways were:
Marketing and BD work best when seamlessly integrated. Hardly revelatory, but many firms still run them separately.
Content is so important. If you are struggling to generate enough, case studies are an effective and efficient means of maintaining output.
Whether we call it a machine, an eco-system, or something else – all stages really need to be working and to link to each other in order to squeeze the most from it.
Hopefully some food for thought. Feedback encouraged and if you found it useful, feel free to also check out my previous blog around improving return from your BD efforts: https://www.plyconsult.co.uk/post/professional-services-driving-and-defending-revenue